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Learning Pod


Learning Express is focused on the development of the whole child. We prioritize the full scope of a child's developmental needs as a way to advance educational equity and ensure that every child reaches their full potential. A whole child approach understands that students' education and life outcomes are dependent upon their access to deeper learning opportunities in and out of school. This includes designing learning environments to support all children; utilizing curriculum, instruction, and assessments for deeper learning, and preparing teachers for implementation. In this way, we are creating a learning environment that is intentional and consistent. 

Each child brings their own abilities, talents, and strengths to the classroom. Having stimulating engaging environments to explore will assist them in becoming active participants in their learning through: 

  • Caring and supportive relationships that encourage healthy learning experiences for children. 

  • Providing safety and building trust that children need to foster independence and confidence when learning new things.

  • Curricular elements working in harmony with one another.

  • Building relationships between school and family. 

  • A sense of predictability builds an attachment with the educators who care for them.

  • Effective teacher/child interactions assist in building language so children can effectively communicate feelings and concerns.  

Our Core Values

By implementing our core values to new challenges that arise, we enable our staff to make good decisions on their own. In return, we are able to lead by example for our parents, pupils, and local community. 

Teachers are an important influence on young children. Children learn by the examples you set for them. Showing children respect and treating them with respect will have a long-lasting effect on the way children respect others. 


"Doing the right thing, even when no one is looking". The ability to understand and use words works with emotions and behaviors. We ensure that the children in our care -see and hear- integrity as well. In the word of Maria Montessori, "Children rise to the challenge of learning the information that is given to them."


We care about others, treat them with kindness and feel a strong desire to help people in need. It is empathy in action. It is a feeling and an act, and the best way to teach it is to put it into action. 


Learning Express offers a safe and stimulating, loving environment in which your child will mentally and physically thrive. 


We have a high-quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment while promoting the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of young children. 

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